In order to write Data into your BigQuery warehouse, Whaly needs additional configuration on Google Cloud side. This guide will details the necessary steps:
Creation of a Google Cloud Storage Bucket
Giving permissions to your service account to the Storage Bucket
To connect BigQuery to Whaly, you need the following:
A Google Cloud Project
Billing enabled on your Google Cloud Project
Admin rights on the Google Cloud Console
A Service Account already configured in Whaly
1. Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket
In Google Cloud, Cloud Storage buckets are data repositories that are used to load or save data within Google Cloud. Whaly is using a Google Cloud Storage bucket to load data from its connector into your BigQuery tables.
Go to the Cloud Storage tab, and go to the browser page.
Click on "Create Bucket"
Create the bucket:
Name: The name that you want to keep, ex. "
"Location type: We advise "Multi-region" for maximum reliability
Storage class: Standard
Access control: Fine grained
Protection tool: None
2. Give permissions to the Whaly Service Account on the Cloud Storage Bucket
You must give the service account (in the setup form) Storage Admin permission for the bucket, so that it can read and write the data from the bucket.
In your Google Cloud Console, go Storage > Browser to see the list of buckets in your current project.
Select the bucket you want to use.
Go to Permissions and then click Add Members.
In the Add members window, enter the Whaly service account email.
From the Select a role dropdown, select Storage Admin
In Whaly, go in your "Warehouse" page in the Settings and paste the
gsutil URI
value in the "GCS Bucket Name" field.
Last updated