
Why syncing my Slack data to Whaly?

Syncing your Slack can be useful for various use cases:

  • Monitor the number of Active Users on your Slack workspace and their number of exchanged messages

  • Understand who are your most engaged Users and on which Channels they are exchanging information

  • Track your historical number of Users for "public" Slack communities

  • ...

Which Slack data is synced by Whaly?

Whaly ๐Ÿณ is currently syncing the following data:

  • User: A member in your workspace.

  • Conversation: A conversation object contains information about a channel-like thing in Slack. It might be a public channel, a private channel, a direct message, or a multi-person direct message.

  • Conversation Member: Link Users and Conversations in which they belong.

  • Message: Messages are text communication exchanged on Conversations by Users.

You can find the relationship between all those objects here.

Last updated