๐Ÿ”SSH Tunneling

If it's not possible to provide direct access to your database port, you can connect to Whaly using an SSH tunnel.

If it's not possible to provide direct access to your database port, you can connect to Whaly using an SSH tunnel. You can also choose this connection method for an added layer of security. To connect using an SSH tunnel, you need to set up an SSH tunnel server that has access to your database port. The tunnel server's SSH port needs to be accessible from Whaly's IP. Youโ€™ll also need to create an SSH user for Whaly.

IMPORTANT: Whaly generates a unique public SSH key for each warehouse. We support multiple connectors on a single SSH tunnel depending on the data volume and network bandwidth.

Follow the SSH tunnel setup instructions for your operating system:


Create SSH User

Log in to your SSH tunnel host and run the following commands:

  1. Create group whaly:

    sudo groupadd whaly
  2. Create user whaly:

    sudo useradd -m -g whaly whaly
  3. Switch to the whaly user:

    sudo su - whaly
  4. Create the .ssh directory:

    mkdir ~/.ssh
  5. Set permissions:

    chmod 700 ~/.ssh
  6. Change to the .ssh directory:

    cd ~/.ssh
  7. Create the authorized_keys file:

    touch authorized_keys
  8. Set permissions:

    chmod 600 authorized_keys
  9. Using your favorite text editor, add the public SSH key that was sent to you by email to the authorized_keys file. The key must be all on one line. Make sure that you donโ€™t introduce any line breaks when cutting and pasting. The public SSH key is generated uniquely for each Whaly warehouse.

  10. Make sure that port access is allowed, see here.

Allow port access

Make sure that port access is allowed from:

  1. Whaly's IP to your tunnel server's SSH port

  2. Your SSH tunnel server to your source database port

If your SSH server and database happen to be in AWS, you can follow the instructions below to configure port access.


  1. To configure an SSH server in AWS, open the EC2 console and select Running Instances:

  2. Select the instance you intend to use as an SSH tunnel:

  3. Select the Security groups and then select default:

  4. Select the Inbound tab.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Fill in Whaly's IP and your SSH port (do not use a load balancer).

  7. For VPC or EC2 classic, add a security rule:

  8. Select SSH, enter Whaly's IP, and click Save:

  9. To complete setting up your database connector, follow the setup instructions for your specific database in Whaly.

Last updated

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